Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Change of Pace

Hello blogger world!

It’s been a long while.

Things have been busy but I’ll recap the best I can.

So, February to June I was teaching as many of you know. I was teaching Spanish which was right up my alley and so much fun. Not only were the kids great learners but also the rest of the staff that I met beyond my very first day were amazing people. I wish them nothing but the best for the future and I will always remember the fun we had along the way.

Why do I say that?

Well, things are complicated when it comes to getting a teaching degree in a pinch Things are complicated when you go to get a teaching degree in the first place. I now have much more sympathy for all of my friends who graduated with a teaching degree. The hoops you have to jump through border on the ridiculous side of impossible. So to make a very long, very complicated story short, I couldn’t make the certificate that I needed to teach happen over the summer.

Which brings me to what I did this summer.

It all began with an accidental friendship with a guy named Greg. We had been texting for a while and he generally seemed like a good guy. So when he offered to ask about getting me a job for the summer with Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind, I didn’t hesitate to accept. The surprises kept coming though, because I was hired as the camp secretary and camp started the next day. It was a rather comical conversation to have with my parents.

“I got a job and I’m leaving tomorrow.”

The best part was not having any idea what I had got myself into. I had no idea what to expect from a camp for the blind and low vision. I had never met anyone who had this condition and I was terrified of making the wrong move at every turn.

As it turned out, the staff was an amazing group of people. I really, truly, feel that I can call them family and that’s a great feeling. We spent six weeks together in tents, singing the same camp songs over and over, herding kids through obstacles, overcoming fears, trying new things, and battling the worst mosquito infestation in the history of the planet. Things never went the way you thought they would; even when you expected the worst. We are the surviving soldiers though and I think that our family bond is that much stronger because of what we went through together.

My job as secretary was to try to help make sure camp ran as smoothly as possible. I will admit that there were times that I didn’t think things would work out but generally, things went smoother than anticipated.

Being one of the few people at camp who could drive, I did a lot of it. I drove a big white van which we named “The Beast” and a smaller van which we named “Goldie” in order to organize our sometimes chaotic van loading times.

I will never forget the kids because they were the best part of camp for me. I know that sounds cheesy but the kids left an impression on me that will last a lifetime. The struggles that they have been through and overcome are so inspiring. One story in particular left enough of an impression that I want a tattoo to remember her by. She has a brain tumor that took her eyesight but she is so bright and vibrant about life that you can almost forget that she can’t see. She told me a story about sea turtles that made me cry it was so beautiful. Apparently, sea turtles can get tumors too and for this little girl they were a sign of hope because of their otherwise very long lives. When I admitted to her that she made me cry, she hugged me and told me not to be sad because it was a happy story not a sad one.

Every day since she left camp, I keep reminding myself about how she was so vibrant and loving. It makes me want to be a better person for her; to live up to how highly she thought of me. I can only hope to one day be worthy of her.

The last week of camp was an adventure. It was crazy, really.

We packed up everything in the vans and the trailer and dropped everyone off at the Amtrak train station in Kalamazoo. They took the train to Chicago then into Michigan City, Indiana where we set up camp for the week.

Upon arrival, things were challenging for the nurse and me who were charged with setting things up for the group. We were plagued by high winds, driving rain, and the trailer hitch that wouldn’t come off the van. In the end everything came together spectacularly and the kids had tents to sleep in.

Chicago was pretty fun when we were there. We went to the Field Museum and the Museum of Science and Industry and I hope that someday I will be able to go back to better explore what the city has to offer.

We also went to the South Bend Chocolate Factory and to a South Bend Cubs game, both of which were amazing. Then again, how can chocolate not be amazing?

After camp and the tearful good-byes with my new-found friends, I made my way to Detroit on Friday July 24 to pick up my lovely uncles from Florida. The airport coordination I may have once had was thrown out the window when I let my phone die, so I had a slight panic moment as I arrived and had no information about their arrival other than a time that their flight landed. Due to some amazing intuition skills, however, I managed to be in the right place at the right time and if I hadn’t told them, they would have never known about my small scare.

A short drive later and we arrived in Hicksville in time for pizza by the pool at Deb and Tony’s.

The original plan was to spend the weekend there and head back to Michigan on Monday July 27, in time for Zac’s birthday. Plans changed though, and I think that life changed for me as well. I know that sounds terribly ridiculous but just keep reading.

Grandma Welly had knee surgery before I arrived. I don’t remember the exact date but I knew that her mobility wasn’t going to be 100% yet. She and Grandpa were supposed to head to Kelly’s Island on Monday which is why it would have made sense for me to head out that day as well. Unfortunately, she wasn’t feeling well enough to make the trip and asked me if I would stay and help out around the house. Without question, I said yes as any good grandchild would and thus began my adventure even if I didn’t know it yet.

I spent a week with Grandma during which time the idea dawned on me that I should stay in Hicksville to take care of my grandparents. In the beginning, I wasn’t sure about it but as the week went on I felt like I needed to.

There was of course a little push when I met up with a friend who turned into my boyfriend a week later.

So I went home for a few days and gathered up my things to move to Hicksville and live with my grandparents. After a week with them, I have a part-time job and I feel like I’m all settled in for the most part.

Grandma had surgery on the other knee the other day and I would say that she is doing well. My mom came down to spend the weekend with us, keeping tabs on Grandma and just being extra help since I just started my job. I am really proud of her. She's being a real trooper.
I think I've run out of things to say now. I'll try to keep this better up to date than I have been. Hopefully I'll have some pictures of some sort for you all soon. I'm really hoping to go out sometime and take some somewhere pretty.
Until then,

Blessed Be

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Additional Tidbits

It was brought to my attention over the course of this past week that I left out some important details from my experience at Ashley Community Schools.

So here it goes.

I'm not an educator, in case that wasn't obvious before.

I am the youngest teacher in the building the closest to me in age is I believe 3 years older.

According to a Kindergardener, I look pregnant. I was then asked by a high school class if I was going to announce a pregnancy... They seem slightly baby crazed at this school... I AM NOT PREGNANT AND I DO NOT WANT A CHILD AT THIS POINT IN MY LIFE!

According to a fourth grader, I have a problem with my skin because my face turns red. "You should get some cream for your face so that it isn't so red all the time."

Apparently, I am British and have the appropriate accent for it.

One of the lovely ladies that I have lunch with is the one that gave me this regal distinction. She even took the time to patiently explain the game of baseball to me. I hear that it is a lot like cricket.

Lunch time is a riot with my new friends. We always have a story to tell each other and most days lead to so much laughter that I am in tears before I have to go back and try to teach the unruly mob.

Junior boys ARE the unruly mob.

Sometimes I have daydreams of bringing in a real Mexican gang member just to scare the unruly mob. They have some twisted idea of how cool it would be in one of those gangs. I don't even know anyone in a gang, so that idea is out the window.

I've been invited on the end of the year fieldtrip. I've already forgotten the name of the place but it sounds like a riot and hopefully we as chaperons won't be left out of the fun.

I'm counting the days until Spring Break and I can honestly say that it isn't coming fast enough.

There are two weeks and counting until Spring Break.

Midterms are on Friday this week and my kids had better study because this will not be an easy test.

I got a perm. My hair is super curly. I don't think that anyone from the school even noticed unless I told them... they haven't known me long enough to really know the difference so they are forgiven.    I LOVE MY CURLS!

I'm really trying hard to hold back the stupid humor that I'm not sure many people would understand.

I am sometimes baffled by the children and the things they have never heard of or don't pay attention to. They can watch a video of a rapper trying to bring awareness to the problem of severe poverty and only see the fact that he has tattoos and he styles his hair different than famous people in the U.S. FRUSTRATION!

One the same token and to end on a good note, there are some students who are genuinely interested in what I'm teaching them. If it weren't for them I would have already made a decision about staying or leaving once June rolls around.

Of course, my new friends come into the mix of the good stuff also. The same ones who threw a hissy fit when they weren't mentioned in my last blog. Thanks for keeping my spirits up!

To catch you up on the hand situation,

I'm in a cast. No surgery required. I have this cast until the 26th then I get another for 2 weeks. This one is green for St. Patties day and I think that I'll do purple for the next.

The cast has been beautified by Cassi who also took time to do my nails and watch movies with me this past Friday.

I am still open to other artists who would like to make their mark. The only rules are that it must be school appropriate and it must not be a signature.

Bring a sharpie to lunch.

I think that's about all I have for now.

As Always,

Blessed Be

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Written on Ice

It's been a while.

Too long for all the news I have to share really.

But as always, I will do my best to get everything written here.

Jenny the snuggle dog is here with me this morning as we are in the process of moving me into the den. I enjoy the natural light much better than the light bulbs and I don't take up much space.

I was going to tell you about how we renamed the fish Jesus after he made an unsuccessful suicide attempt while we were cleaning his tank. I really thought he was dead up until the moment I moved him to send him down the potty. Then miraculously he moved and we rushed to get him back into his tank. I found the unfortunate Jesus this morning, dead in the bottom of his tank. I suspect that he died of internal injuries sustained during his suicide attempt.

He was a good fish, always swimming fervently around his tank, trying to attack anything even remotely blue. He liked to relax in his yellow plastic grass when he had some down time and he always ate his breakfast even if he was angry about moving to Michigan. He was a survivor of the battle of The Wedding Reception and will always be remembered fondly for his ability to keep secrets.

Services will be held before breakfast Sunday morning with taps played by Zeke Holley on his trombone. Join the family afterward for cinnamon rolls.

I'm sure that many of you already know this but I'll write it out anyway, incase you haven't seen the news anywhere else yet.

I'm a teacher at Ashley Schools. Officially, I'm a long term sub with the possibility of becoming a teacher in the fall if I want to. I teach Spanish to K-12. I've been there a month and so far I feel like I'm muddling through. I am still on the fence about whether or not I want to continue teaching but I still have a few months to decide. Teaching is very difficult and for those of you who do it as your career, all I can say is that you have guts and you should all get medals.

I have an hour drive to get to Ashley from Farwell and sometimes its a little longer. Snow and ice make for really interesting drives, especially like the drive home this past Tuesday when I broke a bone in my hand. My right hand, the one that I do everything with.

So yeah, life is throwing me a curveball and I'm doing my best to handle it. Mom and dad and even Zeke have been pretty helpful so far. Doing my hair, cutting my meat, tying my shoes, pouring me juice from the massive Hi-C container....etc. I even had some of my students help me because writing on the board is now a challenge.

Tuesday was a rough day. We had a big snowstorm move through and layer everything with snow, ice, and slush. I was driving through the tail end of the storm on my way home that night and had to stop every couple exits to get the ice off my windshield wipers so that they would work properly. I had nearly made it home and stopped again between Mt. Pleasant and Clare to snap my wipers. As I got out of the car, I slipped, falling backwards and hit my hand hard on the door frame of my car.

At first, I just thought that I was stupid and would have a good bruise, after I picked myself up. Then I decided to try to snap my wipers right handed anyway and that just didn't happen. I carefully got back in my car and proceeded to drive home because I figured that mom be able to help me get it iced and feeling less like I had a nail through my hand. By the time I got home with all the tears and curse words, I pretty much knew that something was broken and I couldn't move my hand at all.

So off to ready-care we went, mom driving this time. After some painful manipulation and x-rays that seemed to take a lifetime to process, they determined that I had broken the extension of my ring finger that is in your hand/palm region. It's a clean break but I was still referred to a specialist who I will see on Monday. If I don't need surgery, then he will probably put  me in a cast and I'll be on my merry almost ambidextrous way.

For now, I'm typing with one hand pretty well and I have slaves doing my bidding so I could have things much worse than they are. I'm so glad that I have my family for support through this because I'm not sure if I would make it without them.

One big adventure after another. That's how life goes. If you can find a way to keep your head up through it all, then life will probably throw some good in with the bad.

As always,

Blessed Be!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Little Bit of Everything

Guilt has a funny way of ruling your life. It’s like a backpack full of heavy books that you can’t take off even when you finally make it to that class that’s across campus. It’s full of heavy sighs and thoughts of how you should have done things, but you can’t change the past so you try hard to put on a brave face. Unfortunately, that brave face isn’t fooling anyone. They know how you feel and some help, but others just make it worse.

I knew for a while that he wasn’t the right guy for me but I hung on. I had a life with him; I wasn’t happy but at least I was proving to my parents that I could stand on my own two feet. I care about him so much that I felt I had to take care of him all the time and that really pissed me off. I want to be taken care of too. I want to not worry about offending his friends or making something that he won’t eat. I want someone to appreciate all the hard work I am doing to make myself better and maybe have the same passion that I do. I want someone who isn’t scared to leave the house.

I didn’t tell him that by leaving Lima, I was leaving him also. I mean yes, he knows that we aren’t physically sitting in the same room or living in the same apartment together but I didn’t have the courage to tell him that I wasn’t coming back to our relationship. I care so much about him that to see him cry and be so hurt by my actions was too hard to do. I care about him so much that I let him continue the relationship even though it was over for me.

I know that he is going to read this and be very mad with me, but I need him to know that I feel terrible and that I still love him as if he were family. I know that’s not the same as loving you as my partner and I’m sorry that I didn’t have the courage to tell you to your face. I’m sorry that I lied to you when I told you about the move in the very beginning.


There are a lot of things going on in my life that I never thought I would have control over. I had a job and a roof over my head but I don’t think I had something more important. I wasn’t happy. I regretted choices I had made and I regret not starting grad school as soon as I could. I should have done a lot of things and not done some other things but I made my choices and now I need to grow from what I’ve learned.

So for those of you who don’t already know, I have left Lima.

I’m back with my parents in Michigan and looking for a job either temporary or something more permanent. I feel a little strange moving into my old room and being on a different schedule or at least trying to be. I feel really cut off but not because my family is terrible or anything like that, just that I really wish I had something to do. I don’t like sitting around the house feeling like a mooch or whatever.

I’m applying for jobs left and right and hoping that something will come out of them for me even if it isn’t the most appealing thing in the world. I just want to do something with my time.

Some of the big opportunities right now are:

Bandit industries, where dad works, is looking for a clerical person. I drove there on Monday to apply in person and dad said that he put in a good word with the HR people on Tuesday. I think that this could be a good long term position with some good benefits if I do get in. I could look for a place of my own (possibly with Cassi if we can work something out) and I could work on my masters like I did while working in Lima.

There is also a coffee shop opening up in Clare that could be a good opportunity to continue to use the barista stuff that I learned while I was in Lima. The place is called Brewin’ on McEwan and I have applied both online and in person so I hope that they see my eagerness to get back in the groove of a coffee shop. A laid back atmosphere seems to work well with my personality.

I had also applied to a long-term Spanish substitute position at Montabella High School. I was really excited about this one and the thought of sharing my passion for the language with a bunch of kids that I had never met before. I know that it would have been more work than that but I was still excited. Unfortunately, I received a call from the principal yesterday to tell me that they had chosen someone else. He also wanted to ask if it would be alright for him to send my information to another school which is also looking to hire a long-term Spanish substitute. He told me I should hear from them in the next couple days.


I have a new pet who made the trip with me from Lima, for those of you who haven’t already seen him on Facebook. He’s a blue (Kentucky Blue, so that dad couldn’t make me get rid of him) Betta Fish. He doesn’t take up much space and he has been keeping me company lately. His name is Alexander the Great because he had to fight and conquer a bunch of other fish who he got dumped with after a wedding reception in the cafĂ© where I used to work. The people who’s celebration it was didn’t know that if you put two male Betta Fish together, they will fight until there is only one living. So he’s a little beat up but I love him and he’s helping me keep up my take-on-the-world attitude.

I heard today from my mom that my brother is considering taking after his big sis. Zac is looking into an internship in the U.K. and he wants it badly. I think he should go for it and I think that he would absolutely love it if he did go. I’m so excited for him and very proud that he is going after what he wants.

On the international note, I have applied to a program through NYU for a summer session in Cuba. It would only be two weeks but there would also be a class in New York beforehand so I would have a couple adventures in one. The session is titled Cross-Cultural Experiences in Higher Education so I’m looking forward to learning loads about Cuba and all she has to offer.

On a national note, I may also end up in Portland with Heather and Carlos. I’ve been meaning to get out there for a while but now that life has pulled back the curtains for me, I’m making more serious plans. I might go out there to live and work but I also don’t know how long it is going to take for me to have the ability to get out there.

I’m ready to get to where I want to be and I’m back to telling life who’s in charge. I want this for me and I’m not afraid to be a little greedy right now.

Hold on world, I’m coming to conquer!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Oh, how the time does fly.

The only reason I have time to write today is because I'm coughing up a storm with a massive head cold. I'm actually feeling a little productive other than the cold. I wish I had a voice and that my nose wasn't constantly dripping but at least I'm not behind on school work. Plus, Noah gets to take care of me with slushies and soup.

I can't believe that I have not made a blog post since the beginning of July. It's daunting to me that so much time has gone by and I barely noticed. 

Ok, I did notice but I was too busy with so many other things happening at once.

So let me try to start from the beginning.

I honestly don't remember much of July and what I do remember is posted here already.

August came with a wave of new responsibilities. 

I was accepted at New York University for their Masters of Science in Translation program and started classes the first week of September.

I received a promotion at work and can now say that I am officially the night manager of the store.

I even got some good time with my grandparents and Aunt Deb and cousin Abbi when we went to Sauder Village. We had a great time.

September had me fighting an upstream battle against the new responsibilities, my class work, and my boss "forgetting" to put my raise into effect. My cousin Andrew got married to a beautiful lady and their wedding brought together the family so it was great to not only welcome Megan into the family but also spend time with family that I don't get to see very often.

October flew by too. I just realized that I worked straight through it and didn't even think about it. I even worked the night of Halloween and didn't get to hand out candy. I was actually kind of hoping that I would get to because of all the kids dressed up in their adorable costumes.

Sigh, I guess that there is always next year.

Now it's November and I've been in Lima for almost a year. I feel like I have become part of the community in a way also because of the regular customers and also my coworkers. The regulars seem to really respect me and I feel great knowing them by name and knowing what they like and making suggestions that they then love. I even had a man give me a ten dollar bill because I found a fifty dollar bill that he had dropped and saved it for him when he came back. It felt like an awesome Karma day.

I'm really excited for Thanksgiving and being with my family. I even get to see Cassi (hopefully). I'm having the bakers where I work make bread for Thanksgiving dinner. They did a test run of it for me and it was sooooooo good. I'm excited for everyone to try it.

Then, Christmas?

Holy Cow.

I can barely even think that far ahead, especially with sick brain. So unfortunately I think I'm going to be done here and see if I can get something else done today.

"Cuz there ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees, I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, ain't nothing in this world for free."

As always,

Blessed be.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

!!!POST # 150!!!

Ladies and gentlemen of the internet, today marks a very special occasion.

Today we mark our 150th post!

And to celebrate...


...I didn't think that far ahead....


...Ummm... okay, I guess I'll have to get back to you on that one....

Don't put away your confetti and streamers yet, I'll figure this out.

In the meantime, let me tell you about my fourth of July weekend, because I know that Heather Loyola is dying to hear the whole story...

Wish I had a cookie...

So ummm... yeah... I worked all week and I really didn't think that I wanted to go home and fight the traffic to get there, etc. etc. so that is what I told my mom when she sent me an email to find out what my plans were for the weekend. I honestly had thought that I would just veg out with television marathons while Noah was at work and get some well deserved R & R.

I didn't tell her that after her second email, which explained how much she missed me, that I had decided to brave the traffic and arrive on their doorstep Friday afternoon.

I should have made a video of the expressions on their faces when I got there.


But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I got in touch with Sara and we made up some plans to meet in Lansing for breakfast. I arrived in Lansing about 10:30 in the morning and we met at a Cracker Barrel. I even got to meet her new boyfriend!! He seems like a good guy and he has my approval.

I saw some pretty interesting things on my way north by the way and I'm not just talking about the police officers or the lines on the road.

I made a Facebook post so that I wouldn't forget them all...

"Let's see, Bowling Green, car with mattress on top, that massive store with the bears, more mc donalds trucks than I care to count, Sean Cline with a beard, and now my friend Sara Lynn Wilkins! Less than two hours to go! — at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store."

So yeah, I drove past Bowling Green and it was weird not stopping there. I felt like I was coming back after being away for the weekend or the summer and that classes would start soon. I felt like a piece of me was left there and I also had a mini panic because I didn't have my books.

How could I possibly go to class without my books?

Closer to Toledo, I passed a very small car with a mattress on top and I thought that if the wind hit it just right the whole car would just flop over backward. They were probably having a rough time just steering in the first place but I got a kick out of watching them as I drove by. Poor people.

When I said "that massive store with the bears," I meant Cabela's and you can check out their website if you want. I will not provide a link because of their mountain of death that they call trophies...

I think that McDonald's decided to put a bunch of empty semi trucks on the roads just for the advertising. I mean it would be a waste of fuel but also it would be a cheap means of advertising. Then again, maybe it wouldn't be as cheap as I think it would be. There had to be like 1 truck for every 5 cars or something close to that. It made my stomach a little upset just seeing all of them....

Just before I went to exit to meet Sara, a man took a very long time to pass me, which caused me to look over at him. I had to do a double take because I swore that it was Uncle Sean, but he had a beard like Uncle Thom. I didn't stop laughing until I got to the restaurant.

So after breakfast, I hugged Sara and continued my drive North, singing at the top of my lungs....

I pulled into my parents' driveway around 1 in the afternoon, honking my horn and watching for someone to come out of the front door...

As I said before, their expressions were priceless...

We went to Mt. Pleasant for fireworks that night, hauling their new camper so that we could pre-show tailgate with pizza and our own toilet. Hooray for not needing to use the port-o-potty!!!

The fireworks were pretty good... I mean I liked them. Poor Jenny dog was shivering and panting in terror on my lap, but she didn't ruin the show for me.I guess that I was a little disappointed in the array of fireworks used for the show. There wasn't a great variety and I expected more of the fourth largest fireworks show in the state...

We didn't leave until well after midnight, all of us huddled around a citronella candle to keep the mosquitoes away, the boys telling nasty jokes...

There were burgers on the grill Saturday evening. Both Zac and Zeke had to work at the little ice cream shop that hired them both for some reason... just kidding, I'm glad they have jobs.

Then we built a campfire and toasted marshmallows and ate chocolate.... because we had cinnamon gram-crackers so I wasn't going to make a cinnamon smore... that would be like treason against smores or something...

I got up Sunday morning and packed up my car and said my good byes... I even had to wake up Zac who didn't even get out of bed to give me a hug or anything.

Two hours later, I arrived in Coldwater, Michigan to visit with my grandparents and extended family members that I haven't seen in a long while. I had lunch with them and visited for a little while before hitting the road again, back to Lima.

That in a nutshell, was my weekend...

It was way too short and I felt strange being back in Farwell. It was comforting to be back in my apartment when I got back. Something about being in my own space again... but it's just weird and hard to explain....

So I won't even try. Instead, I'll give you a video of a puppy who is afraid of a spoon.

Now for the celebration part....

I've decided to post some pictures from all the things that have happened in 150 posts and the 5 years worth of blogging that I've done, in no particular order.



It's hard to believe that so much has happened in five years. I count myself blessed for the adventures I've had and the friends that I have made. I hope that the next five years bring more adventures and more friends.

Thank you all for reading my ramblings and sticking with me for five whole years.

I love you all!

Blessed Be.